I feel like the quality of the equipment in my school has gone done to junk status. My students can't even connect to the school's network let alone get on the class blog. Our school is also in leadership transition. I asked them to write to the future principal with their requests. Well many asked for better internet connections! Then they wanted laptops that didn't burn up and freeze, and a room that fit all the students without bumping into each other. Frankly, I just want the first. How can I use technology when we can't even use the laptops? I was told my tech guy can't look at the drop until after state testing is done in at the end of the month.
While the push in my school is to use a smart board, I want to my students to write for each other. They must be able to get on the blog, and not even the flat boring Blackboard. Perhaps this is part of the high stakes testing preparation. The ELL proficiency assessment, the WIDA, is all paper and pencil and timed to the second. Well my students may not be writing for each other but they are doing more timed prompts. UGH!
This is really "a day in the teacher" that I wish everyone could understand. I love technology, and we have to teach with it. Did the erasable pencil ruin writing? Internet connection, laptops, speakers, software all cost money and need upkeep. Please support teachers who are trying to creative with digital literacy.